The top 10 travel destinations for 2020

Every year, as you know, Lonely Planet launches its guide book Best in Travel, a way to be inspired to seduce for the next trips.

Destinations are not only chosen based on their spectacularity, but also in the commitment they put into sustainability and in promoting a sustainable way of travelling. Both are topics that I also seek more and more in my travels. Protecting the environment and the people who work in a country is very important, to ensure that travel helps a place and does not dry it in many ways, as mass tourism has done to date.

Here are the trendiest destinations for 2020:

01 Bhutan


The country of happiness is the country with the highest level of happiness per capita in the world. The state is so rich that the king takes care of everyone’s well-being. Travelling in Buthan is not exactly for everyone since you have to pay a daily fee to be able to enter, but it is certainly an experience that you will not easily forget.

02 England


I’m honest. I’ve been going to London an average of 2 times a year for many years. Still, I never went beyond this city. I always thought that the rest was uninteresting until my best friend moved to Kent and started travelling around the country showing me spectacular photos. I don’t know about you, but I decided that in 2020 I want to go to the Jurassic Coast in the spring.

03 Swaziland


I was there, and I would say while passing by while I was living in South Africa. It is a tiny country between South Africa and Mozambique. I only managed to see a beautiful natural park where while walking the zebras crossed the road with the same ease with which the cows meet in Trentino. I want to go back soon and also deepen the human and tribal aspect, not only the naturalistic one.

04 Costa Rica


One of the countries with the most significant attention to sustainability. A country, very safe, very green, with the largest concentration of natural parks, must be a dream. I am sincere, the only thing that still keeps me from visiting it and the excessive Americanization of every place and the fact that it is costly to be in Central America.

05 Uruguay


A country that I know very well, I have been there 3 times, and one of my best friends lives there (which is why I have been there 3 times). Still, for some strange reason, I have always written very little about this country, perhaps because I see it as a place of vacation and relaxation rather than as a place to tell. I promise that in the coming months, I will devote more content to your future travels to Uruguay.

06 Morocco


A beautiful country that has always fascinated the West and has an Arabic atmosphere par excellence. I have been there twice in my life, but lately, I am very attracted to Tangier, I know it is much less beautiful than Marrakech, but it is a destination that has represented so much for travel literature that I imagined it in too many books not to visit it.

07 Cairo


One of the first trips I made as a child, and I was so excited and happy that I think I remember everything. I would like to return immensely, to see how the city has evolved after almost 30 years and above all to spend many hours inside the museum of Egyptology, one of the most loved places in the world.

08 Kochi


Capital of Kerala, a state in the south of India, I have just returned, and I love it madly. I recommend everyone to visit it. It is a city with a strong colonial imprint, very safe, easy to get around on foot, perfect for shopping and to see firsthand all that the spice trade represents in a country like India.

09 Silk Road


Silk road one of the most iconic journeys in history, traveling the streets of the caravans, the streets trampled by Marco Polo himself, let’s say that the best would be to travel from Venice to Beijing, but I would also be satisfied with what is commonly called Asiastan: Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan

10 Nusa Tenggara


The area east of Bali in Indonesia, commonly identified with Flores Island and Komodo and Timor National Park. They are beautiful places and certainly with one of the most beautiful seas you have ever seen. I have been there twice to dive, and they are truly a paradise for anyone who loves diving.

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