The best city to live in Italy. Here is the ranking

Quality of life: Trieste is first, followed by Milan and Trento. Here is the ranking of the 10 Italian cities where you live best

Trieste is the most livable city in Italy. At least from what emerges from the 32nd annual edition of the Quality of Life of Il Sole 24 ore, ranking the Italian provinces where you live best. Conduct the study, 90 indicators were examined, divided into six thematic macro-categories:

wealth and consumption;
business and work;
environment and services;
demographics and health;
justice and security;
culture and leisure.

The top ten of the ranking is entirely occupied by provinces of northern Italy, with Trieste climbing four positions compared to 2020, thus reaching the top of the ranking and Milan in second place, recovering points, compared to last year, thanks to the primates in the categories. Wealth and consumption and business and work. Trento follows in the third position.

Trieste is the most livable city in Italy.

Among the first places also Aosta (fourth), Bolzano (fifth), Bologna (sixth), Pordenone (seventh), Verona (eighth), Udine (ninth) and Treviso (tenth). Treviso itself conquers 19 positions compared to 2020, also thanks to the first place for the quality of life of women, an index that was taken into consideration for the first time this year. Rome also goes from 32nd to 13th place thanks to the average amount of pensions for the elderly, levels of education, broadband and museum heritage. At the same time, Florence rose from the 27th occupied in 2020 to the 11th position.

The last ten places in the ranking of the Italian cities where you live best are, however, all provinces of southern Italy, Syracuse, Taranto, Caserta, Reggio Calabria, Catania, Caltanisetta, Vibo Valentia, Trapani, Foggia and Crotone, last as last year.


Here is the ranking of the top 10 Italian cities where you live best:

1 .Trieste

2 . Milan

3 . Trento

4 . Aosta

5 . Bolzano

6 . Bologna

7 . Pordenone

8 . Verona

9 . Udine

10 . Treviso

The best city to live in Italy. Here is the ranking

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