How to find cheap train tickets

Have you ever had to suddenly organize a trip by train, or have to reach friends or relatives with very little notice?

To me often and the consequence is that when we buy a ticket with short notice the rates are high, we end up paying for a journey of two hours as much as one of eight! I admit it’s something that makes me quite nervous because I’d rather spend that money on other activities or commit it to a future trip.

How to find cheap train tickets:

How to find cheap train tickets
How to find cheap train tickets

So looking on the web, I saw that there is a circuit that can come to our aid: TicketEasy they manage both train and bus tickets. They are a platform where those who are unable to travel can put their ticket on sale but always at a lower price. Furthermore, they are the only platform compared to the competitors that act as guarantor in the transaction, that is, for the exchange of tickets, the platform is paid directly. It is the platform itself that releases the money only after the buyer has declared that he has received the ticket. In this way, you avoid many scams that you often come across on other platforms.

Let’s say that by using Ticketeasy you will have the opportunity to sell tickets that you can no longer use and to buy new ones when the rates on the official sites have become too high.

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